Which yoga is best? Put simply: the best type of yoga is the yoga—and the teacher—that you love and gets you on your mat. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
But, after attending millions of classes (or thereabouts), I’ve whittled down the best things about REALLY GOOD yoga classes—both in-person and online. Consider these 5 things a barometer of sorts; does your yoga class feature these things? Then bosh. You’re probably in the right place.
5 things to look for in your yoga classes
1. The Playlist
Music. I’ve been to too many yoga classes with terrible music, too-quiet music, ineffective music, or even silence that seems to be used wrong. Do you understand how much a teacher—and us students—miss out on by not using effective music? It’s like watching The Fellowship Of The Ring without Howard Shore’s musical magic; it can feel really weird.
So watch out for a yoga class that features a playlist that gets you pumped at the right moments, and slowing down at the right moments. Used correctly, music brings half the feeling. It’s incredibly powerful.
Even if your teacher or class doesn't use music, or if you're not as much of a fan of it as I am, look out for cadence of words, the use of silence, or ways sounds can be used to impact feeling.
Want a playlist for your at-home practice? Try this one I made earlier (perfect for an hour-long session).
2. The Feeling
A good yoga class will put emphasis on what this pose and that pose should feel like. Not just arm here, leg there. Not just “do this and look like me”. But you should be encouraged to think about the FEELING we’re after—this is basic mindfulness, and encourages you to move in ways unique to you. So much more magic happens when we focus on feeling.
3. The Breath
Breath in a yoga class can sometimes be left behind, or not talked about that much. Maybe there’s a moment of pranayama (or breath practice) at the start of class, but that’s it.
But breath is one of the most fundamental nervous-system altering tools we have in a yoga class (and everywhere else). Why don’t we talk about it more? You got it: a really good yoga class will get you thinking about your breath a lot of the time.
4. Savasana
I feel like this should go without saying, but a good savasana is vital; too many classes, especially online, miss out on this important yoga class feature.
Savasana, if you’re not familiar, is a feature that falls mainly at the end of a yoga class and involves lying flat and doing nothing. You'll often be guided to relax, maybe to breathe, or maybe this will be a time of silence.
How important can that be? I hear you ask.
Put simply, a yoga class is a journey through your nervous system to get you to a place where you feel at-ease, connected, relaxed, and engaged. The winding down at the end of class is a way to get you there. Miss out on this session, and you’re missing out on the nervous system down-regulation this provides.
Look for a class that includes at least a 5-minute savasana at the end of the session (for an hour-long class). This is what will make sure you go back out into the world, especially after a challenging class, calm and connected, rather than over-stressed and potentially frantic.
5. The People
This one’s a bit more specific to in-person classes: a good yoga class will make it easy for you to speak to others. I’ve been to plenty of classes, once the session had ended, where it felt like an icy wind had blown through the place, as if making eye-contact meant we’d turn into stone.
Look for a class where people are warm, welcoming, familiar, and encouraging. This is what yoga’s about.
If you're loving a studio for all of the above reasons but the vibe's a little... off after class, just try being the force of connection yourself. Speak to people, crack a joke, compliment someone's leggings. Yoga, really, is about this connection. It's as if the practice we've all just done is leading us to remember we're connected to each other and the planet, and to make sure to start upward spirals in every conversation.
Ready to find your flow?
If you’re after all of the above in your online classes (even the nice people part, our community is epic), learn more about The Yoga Revolution here. This is about really good yoga. Once you find that, so much other stuff in your life starts to fall into place.
Not ready for a membership yet? Join me inside my Joy Collective for free inspiration, motivation, and goodness for your most joyful life.