When I had a brick-and-mortar yoga studio in my home town of York, I had so many students comment on the lovely smells wafting around the place. So, as I make up another batch of the smells that take me back to those pre-covid times, I thought it finally time to share my (not-so-secret) secret.
This is the oil I use to perfume my yoga mat. I even use it around my home to clean dusty surfaces. But what is this miracle stuff, I hear you ask. Wonder no more. This is Thieves Oil.
The old stories tell of grave robbers using this oil back in plague times to keep them from picking up the diseases of the dead as they plundered them. Pleasant thought.
But, according to this site, Thieves Oil is supposed to be amazing at supporting digestion, reducing inflammation, lowering fevers, reducing stress, and even “neutralising bacterial and viral pathogens”. All I can say is that it smells incredible.

The thieves oil recipe:
Grab a container jar. You can usually get small, brown glass bottles from places that sell essential oils.
Add 40 drops of Clove oil
20 drops of Cinnamon oil
15 drops of Eucalyptus oil
35 drops of Lemon oil
10 drops of Rosemary oil
You can add this to your washing loads, your cleaning spray, or maybe use it in a massage oil, for insect bites, or minor cuts. One of my favourite ways to use it is to throw it in my diffuser for a tantalising fragrance boost any time of day.
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