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The 4 Unspoken Benefits Of Walking

Writer's picture: Chloe MarkhamChloe Markham

As a yoga teacher, it’s pretty obvious why I consider yoga to be a sort of magic. But because yoga is my everyday, I also need something else in my movement catalogue to keep me sane. It’s easy. It’s unassuming. It’s as simple as stepping out your front door with a good pair of boots.

Yes, walking, hiking, tramping – whatever you want to call it – really isn’t as sexy as Crossfit or running ultra marathons. I don’t need to sport an I-ran-a-10k tshirt, get blisters on my hands, or force hours of cardio from unwilling legs. It’s as simple as just putting one foot in front of the other.

I’ve been lucky enough to grow up with a dad who can’t keep still. He’s moved house on average twice a year, much to the chagrin of my poor step-mum. But really he’s a walker. He’s written over twenty books on the topic—mostly around pubs (I’m not complaining)—and thrown me on his back when I was too young to sport boots of my own. He’s walked the Pennine Way, the Yorkshire three peaks, and a whole heap of other longer, more beautiful, and more boot-knackering hikes across the UK over the past fifty years (as well as writing about a life well-lived).

And so, in my late twenties, I decided to stop hoping one day to fall in love with throwing weights around, or running, or anything that makes it look like proper exercise, and just go outside. Here’s the 4 perhaps less-spoken of benefits of this movement activity and how you can benefit from a good walk, as I have:

1. Headspace

Walking, especially out in nature, helps us get calmer, more mindful, and more grounded. I feel the same benefit from a walk in the woods as I feel from my yoga practice, but in a totally different way. Regardless of whether you walk ten miles or two; whether you push hard or go super slow, you’ll be bound to feel less stressed, less wound up, and significantly better than before you laced up you boots.

2. Increased creativity

As a business owner and someone who really doesn’t know what she’s doing, being creative around business problems or opportunities is a mega bonus. Even this blog post was basically written in the woods.

Heading out for a walk regularly will see you reaping the same creative benefits. This helps us become better problem solvers, communicators, more imaginative with our kids and our challenges. This is a wonderful benefit, even if you’ve never held a paintbrush in your life.

3. You’ll look better

Yes, I know this one sounds a little weird coming from a yoga teacher who constantly talks about how this doesn’t matter. But it’s inevitable; getting fresh air, a little easy-on-the-joints cardio exercise, and all the mental health benefits I’ve already spoken about, means you’ll have that inner glow that magazines tout expensive creams for (without the price tag).

4. Reduction in health risks

By walking every day, or even every other day, your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke will naturally be reduced. What more motivation do we need than that?!

The takeaway

Walking isn’t just something to get us from A to B, but a truly benefit-packed lifestyle option; don’t take it for granted.

In the meantime, come join my Joy Collective for free where I’ll bring you with me on a journey to finding joy and a life best spent



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