How often do we wash our yoga outfit but fail to get the sweat (and the rest) off our mats?
Maybe I need to remind you: mats get gross. Especially if you're a vinyasa fan, you definitely end up dripping sweat on it and, if you’re anything like me (especially in the summer) you’ll be bringing all the bare-feet, muddy love to the mat, too. So we end up with some serious ick-factors involved in our lovely yoga practice (and a grubby mat is never pretty).
But, fret not, for I’ve an amazing and super easy recipe for a DIY mat cleaner.

How to make a DIY yoga mat cleaner
You’ll need:
A spray bottle (those ones for house plants are perfect)
Some apple cider vinegar
Tea tree essential oil and one other essential oil (I recommend lavender or, my favourite, grapefruit)
Just throw the ACV in the bottle with equal parts water. Mix in with the oils, shake, spray, and wipe! The tea tree is naturally antiseptic and an anti-fungal, and the ACV is a disinfectant and helps break up the gross oils left from a sweaty practice. You could even leave the mat outside on a sunny day to get a boost of sunshine cleaning, too.
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